Transforming Health ​Through Song

We believe in the power of voice to heal, unite, and ​uplift individuals, communities, and musicians alike.


To further the integration of ​singing and music at large into the ​greater healthcare ecosystem ​around the globe to increase ​health, vitality, and joy for all!

Why Sing?

Insight Icon
Mental Health Icon
Community Line Icon


Brain Function

Improve ​Mental Health

Build ​Community

Singing has been shown to ​improve brain function ​and mental alertness.

Regular singing can help ​reduce stress, lower blood ​pressure, improve respiratory ​function, and strengthen the ​immune system.

Singing fosters a sense of ​belonging and community ​cohesion, combating ​loneliness and isolation ​across generations.

2024 Initiatives

Heart shaped hands at concert. Music concert with lights and silhouette of people enjoying concert.

Campaign Launch Event

Celebrate SFYH’s launch with us as we introduce this ​new initiative to the world. Together, let's make this ​launch a memorable moment. Don't miss out on this ​opportunity to be part of something extraordinary!

Multi-Ethnic Campfire Sing-A-Long stock photo

Everybody Sings Events

SFYH to host a series of community singing events ​throughout the year that are open and free to the ​public in multiple locations around the globe.

Advertising Agency Designer Watching Video on a Tablet

Public Awareness Campaign

SFYH will launch a national public awareness ​campaign around singing as a wellness practice. The ​campaign will include a launch event, social media, ​press, and tools for participants.

Meet THE Team

Rachel Francine

Andy Tubman

Vikki Karan

Michelle Mastrobattista


Music Therapist

Philanthropic Advisor

Marketing Advisor